This Postal Rates & Fees document has been produced with DOCMaker 3.95, an excellent document making utility available from America Online, as well as other electronic boards. The beauty of DOCMaker is that one need not have this utility to read a document created with it! DOCMaker creates a stand-alone readable, printable document. DOCMaker was used, not only because of the aforementioned ability, but because it allows one to create chapters. Since postage rates are based on several different classes, DOCMaker just seemed like a logical choice for creating these chapters, chapters one can easily access simply by selecting the one of interest from the Contents menu! Further, it is my hope that System 7 users who need quick access to various postage rates and fees will place this document in their Apple Menu Folder, in essence, making the Postal Rates & Fee document a Desk Accessory, available whenever a rate or fee is needed. As a note of interest (or disinterest), I am a postal employee who works in the area of Customer Service. The information for Postal Rates & Fees was transcribed from official postal rate charts and tables. I've tried to be as accurate as possible but after all, I am human. Should you find an error, please let me know so I can correct it (e-mail Raindancer on AOL).